Automatically removing old images from DigitalOcean Container Registry

Leveraging doctl and jq for fun and profit

Leveraging DO client and jq for fun and profit

DigitalOcean's private registry is pretty nice solution to have a private registry to store docker images to deploy when needed.

We use it at work every time we deploy a new version of any of our web applications to staging, and we just retag when it's time to spin a new one in production.

But recently I found myself having to delete a few thousands unused images to free up space on the repository and avoid paying storage costs for images that we wouldn't be resonably use.

To begin with I had to design some sort of "retention policy". What should I and what to delete?

  • Older than 3 days? Safe to delete
  • But keep at least 5 images. In case there is a longer stretch without deployments for whatever reason, we don't want to remove the currently deployed image.

With our requirements ready, let's see what doctl can do for us.

With doctl registry repository list-tags my-repository I can get all the images. They are listed chrornologically, newer first. No more sorting or filtering options available. At least we cn use -o jsonoption to get the results as a JSON.

E.g. something like this:


(A few hundreds of these).

We can use jq to work with that. Filtering according to our requirements it's pretty straight-forward:

jq ".[5:] | .[] | select ( .updated_at | fromdateiso8601 < $(date -v-3d +%s)) | .tag"
  • .[5:] to get first 5 results
  • .[] to iterate the results
  • select ( .updated_at | fromdateiso8601 < filter the results by .updated_at, converting the dates to a timestamp
  • $(date -v-3d +%s))to get a timestamp from 3 days ago to compare with.
  • .tag because that's only part we are interested on, the tags we'll want to delete

We are going to use doctl registry repository delete-tag to get rid of the unneeded tags. Since there is no complementary -ioption to process JSON input, we'll need to convert output from above in something more appropriate as a command line argument.

The final version ends up being like this:

doctl registry repository delete-tag web-api-http-prod $(doctl registry repository list-tags web-api-http-prod --output json | jq ".[5:] | .[] | select ( .updated_at | fromdateiso8601 < $(date -v-5d +%s)) | .tag " -r | tr '\n' ' ') --force

We'll add the -r for "raw" output (no quotes), and pipe the result through tr to replace newlines with spaces, and use the whole thing as arguments for the registry repository delete-tag command, adding the --force option so it runs without asking for confirmation.

For convenience sake, we wrap everything into a single shells script that takes a couple parameters and we can use this safely in our daily cron for each of the application repositories:



while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do

  if [[ $1 == *"--"* ]]; then
    declare "$param"="$2"


[[ -z "$repository" ]] && {
  echo "Error: Need to define '--repository'"
  exit 1

date_boundary=$(date -v-"$delete_days_old"d +%s)
deletable_tags=$(doctl registry repository list-tags "$repository" --output json | jq ".[5:] | .[] | select ( .updated_at | fromdateiso8601 < $date_boundary) | .tag " -r | tr '\n' ' ')

[[ -z "$deletable_tags" ]] && {
  [[ "$verbose" == "yes" ]] && echo "Nothing to delete"
  exit 0

[[ "$verbose" == "yes" ]] && {
  echo "We are going to DELETE images that are more than $delete_days_old days"
  echo "We are going to KEEP at least the newer $min_to_keep images"

  echo "Deleteable tags: $deletable_tags"
doctl registry repository delete-tag "$repository" $deletable_tags --force